
How to get a job in (American) football

How to get a job in (American) football


The (American) football industry is a thriving and dynamic sector with numerous job opportunities for those passionate about the sport on Rebound. Whether you aspire to work on the field, behind the scenes, or in a supporting role, this guide will help you understand the various positions, qualifications, and strategies for breaking into the industry and achieving a successful career in football.

Understanding the Football Job Landscape

The football industry is vast and diverse, providing a multitude of opportunities in areas such as coaching, scouting, administration, media, marketing, and beyond. Some of the major sectors within the football industry include:

  • Professional Football: The National Football League (NFL) is the pinnacle of professional football organizations, offering a wealth of job opportunities both on and off the field. Positions in coaching, scouting, sports medicine, management, media, and more are all essential components of the NFL ecosystem. Take a deeper dive into a career in the NFL by clicking here.

  • Collegiate Football: College football plays a significant role in American sports culture, with numerous job opportunities within college athletics departments. These include roles in coaching, sports administration, athletic training, event management, and sports marketing.

  • High School Football: High schools nationwide host football programs that require dedicated coaches, athletic trainers, support staff, and administrators to ensure the success of their teams and the growth of young athletes.

  • Football Media and Broadcasting: Sports journalists, commentators, analysts, and production teams cover the world of football across various media platforms, including television, radio, digital outlets, and print publications.

  • Football Marketing and Sponsorship: This sector comprises professionals who are responsible for securing sponsorships, managing brand partnerships, and promoting football teams, leagues, and events through strategic marketing campaigns and public relations efforts.

  • Football Equipment and Apparel: Companies specializing in the manufacture and distribution of football equipment and apparel provide job opportunities in design, production, sales, marketing, and research and development. These companies play a crucial role in shaping the look and performance of athletes on the field.

  • Sports Technology and Analytics: The growing emphasis on data-driven decision-making in football has led to a surge in opportunities for professionals skilled in sports analytics, data science, and technology development. These roles help inform coaching strategies, player performance analysis, and injury prevention.

  • Sports Law and Agent Representation: Legal professionals in the sports industry work on contract negotiations, intellectual property matters, and dispute resolution, while sports agents represent athletes and negotiate contracts on their behalf.

  • Community and Youth Football Programs: Non-profit organizations and community programs focused on youth football provide opportunities for coaches, administrators, and support staff who are passionate about promoting the sport and fostering positive development in young athletes.

  • International Football Opportunities: Although football's popularity is primarily concentrated in the United States, the sport is gaining traction worldwide, leading to job opportunities with international organizations, such as American football leagues in Europe and Canada, and governing bodies like the International Federation of American Football (IFAF).

Essential Skills and Qualifications

The skills and qualifications required to work in the football industry vary depending on the specific job role. However, some common skills and qualifications that are valuable across various positions include:

  • Knowledge of the game: A deep understanding of football rules, strategies, tactics, and history is essential for most roles within the industry. Familiarity with league structures, player development pathways, and contemporary trends is also crucial.

  • Communication skills: Effective communication, both verbal and written, is vital in many football-related positions. This is particularly important in coaching, scouting, media, and management roles, where clear and concise information sharing is paramount.

  • Leadership and teamwork: Many football jobs require the ability to lead, motivate, and collaborate with others. Coaching and management positions often involve managing diverse groups of individuals, while other roles require contributing effectively within a team environment.

  • Analytical skills: Roles such as scouting, sports analytics, and coaching necessitate the ability to analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions. This includes evaluating player performance, identifying trends, and understanding statistical metrics that drive success on and off the field.

  • Networking and relationship-building: Building strong connections within the football industry is invaluable in finding job opportunities and advancing your career. Networking skills, along with the ability to establish and maintain professional relationships, are key components in a successful sports career.

  • Adaptability and resilience: The dynamic nature of the football industry requires professionals to be adaptable and resilient in the face of change, whether it's adjusting to new coaching philosophies or navigating the demands of a fast-paced work environment.

  • Time management and organization: Balancing multiple tasks, meeting deadlines, and staying organized are critical skills for success in the football industry, as many roles involve juggling numerous responsibilities simultaneously.

In addition to these general skills, specific job roles may require additional qualifications or certifications, such as coaching licenses, degrees in sports management, sports medicine, or a related field, or specialized training in areas like sports technology and analytics. Pursuing these qualifications demonstrates a commitment to your chosen career path and can provide a competitive edge in the job market.

Breaking into the Football Industry

Getting your foot in the door of the football industry can be challenging, but with determination and persistence, you can find your way in. Here are some strategies to help you break into the football world:

  • Gain relevant experience: Interning with football organizations at any level can help you enhance your resume and cover letter, and gain valuable experience. This can include coaching youth teams, assisting with high school programs, or working with college football teams.

  • Network with professionals in the industry: Attend football conferences, workshops, and networking events to meet professionals and learn about job opportunities. Join professional organizations and engage with industry professionals on social media to expand your network.

  • Pursue education and certifications: Enhance your qualifications by obtaining relevant degrees or certifications, such as coaching licenses or degrees in sports management, sports medicine, or a related field. This demonstrates your commitment to the industry and can give you a competitive edge.

  • Build your online presence: Create a professional website or portfolio showcasing your experience, skills, and achievements in the football industry. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with industry professionals and stay informed about job opportunities and industry news.

  • Be persistent and proactive: Breaking into the football industry can be challenging, so it's essential to stay persistent and proactive in your job search. Apply for open positions, even if they may not be your dream job, as they can serve as a stepping stone to more significant opportunities.

Advancing Your Career in the Football Industry

Once you've entered the football industry, it's crucial to continuously develop your skills and professional network to advance your career. Here are some tips for career progression within the football sector:

  • Seek out mentorship: Find experienced professionals within the industry who can provide guidance, support, and advice to help you navigate your career path.

  • Continue your education and professional development: Attend workshops, conferences, and training courses to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices. Pursue additional certifications or degrees to enhance your qualifications and demonstrate your commitment to the industry.

  • Stay informed about industry news and trends: Follow football news outlets, blogs, and social media channels to stay informed about the latest developments in the industry. Staying current with trends can help you identify new opportunities and make informed decisions about your career.

  • Network with other professionals: Maintain and expand your professional network by attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and engaging with peers online. Networking can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and valuable insights into the football industry.

  • Be open to new opportunities: As you gain experience and develop your skills, be open to exploring new job roles or sectors within the football industry. This can help you diversify your skill set and increase your value as a professional.

Success Stories and Tips from Industry Professionals

Learning from the experiences of successful professionals in the football industry can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own career journey. Here are some tips from industry professionals who have found success in the football world:

  • Be patient and persistent: Breaking into the football industry may take time, so it's essential to stay patient and persistent in your job search and career development efforts.

  • Embrace challenges and learn from setbacks: Every professional in the football industry will face challenges and setbacks at some point in their career. Embrace these experiences and use them as opportunities to learn and grow as a professional.

  • Seek out diverse experiences: Gaining experience in various roles or sectors within the football industry can help you develop a well-rounded skill set and increase your value as a professional.

  • Stay adaptable and open-minded: The football industry is constantly evolving, so it's crucial to stay adaptable and open-minded to new ideas, technologies, and opportunities.

  • Believe in yourself and your passion for the game: Maintaining a strong belief in your abilities and your passion for football can help you stay motivated and committed to achieving success in the industry.


The football industry offers a wealth of opportunities for those passionate about the sport. By understanding the job landscape, acquiring essential skills and qualifications, and implementing effective networking strategies, you can break into the industry and build a successful career in football. Stay persistent, proactive, and committed to your goals, and you can achieve success in this dynamic and exciting field.